Sometimes life is not about decisions. A lot of path we have are not constructed by the steps of decision making. Some of things are just meant to somebody. Meanwhile, we have to tolerate about other people. It's not about faking all day, but sometimes it is a must. We have to adjust to get the condition on the right way. The more I grow, the more I know that we're not supposed to be 100% real for everybody. We can't please everyone and people might not please us. Putting hopes or happiness on others is not a right choice. We can be 100% of ourselves to people who deserve it, to them who can accept and appreciate a small thing we do. Living in this world is just like being a character on a game. Make strategy to still alive, take some steps to survive, choose some environment and way of communication to have a family or friendship. We can assume it as a natural survival instinct. We don't choose the people, but naturally we can feel uncomfortable with some of them. We...