2021 I said : Jodohku sedang sekolah lagi, jadi belum ketemu sekarang Turns out 2023 Ternyata aku mendapatkan rezeki sekolah lagi. Apakah ini cara-Nya untuk terus membuatku berkembang? ‐--- 2016 I said : It was wrong, I wanted to start from 0 again and fix the friendship with him. Turns out 2017 Allah swt keep me away from him and show me something to realize Turns out 2020 I knew we were something and I knew why He kept me away from him. Allah swt knows me best than me and He knows I couldn't grow better with him. At the same year, I knew someone older. Someone called friend but shared a lot of perspective, listening to my childish complaint, and always able to calm me down. Until then found out, our perspective and the way we want in marriage are totally different. Until I make dua for the best and we stop communicating until then he found the right one. Meanwhile I was still searching for the meaning in life and marriage. ---- 2022 In the confusion of what next I ne...